Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lying stretch to take a load off neck and shoulders

This stretch focuses on your neck and shoulders and helps relieve any stress you may have accumulated over the day. To do this stretch, follow these steps:
  1. Lie on your back in your bed with your knees bent and feet flat on your bed.
  2. Place your hands on the back of your head and point your elbows toward the ceiling.
  3. Exhale and slowly lift your head while keeping your shoulder blades on your bed (see Figure). You should feel this stretch in the back of your neck and shoulders.
  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and then release by slowly lowering your head back to your pillow.
  5. Repeat this stretch a few times or whatever feels most comfortable to you. Never bounce or force this stretch. Be careful not to jam your chin into your chest, which could cause you to overstretch your neck muscles.
A few do’s and don’ts for this stretch:
  • Do hold your hands at the base of your head and top of your neck.
  • Do keep your body relaxed and your shoulders down.
  • Don’t lift your shoulder blades off the bed.
  • Don’t hold your breath!

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