Thursday, November 13, 2008

Standing hamstring and calf stretch

Two areas that can get tight after sitting for a long time are the back of your thighs and your calves. This one stretch can get both areas at the same time. To perform this exercise, follow these steps:
  1. Stand tall with both feet together and your arms at your sides.
  2. Step out with your left leg, keeping your back heel on the floor and your front toes pointing toward the ceiling.
  3. Bend your right knee slightly and inhale.
  4. As you exhale, hinge at your hips and tilt your pelvis back, placing both your hands just above your bent knee (see Figure).
  5. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and make sure to keep your spine lengthened, your chest lifted, and your tailbone reaching toward the wall behind you.
  6. Repeat the stretch on the other side.
If you’re not feeling the stretch in your calf, try to flex your foot more (lift your toes more toward the ceiling). If you’re not feeling the stretch in your hamstrings, try tilting your pelvis back farther and lengthening your back more if you can.
A few do’s and don’ts for this exercise:
  • Do breathe slowly and rhythmically.
  • Do keep most of your weight on your bent leg.
  • Don’t round your back or drop your chest too far toward your bent leg.

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