Thursday, November 13, 2008

Standing hip flexor stretch

This stretch targets your hip flexors with pinpoint accuracy and, as an added bonus, can even tone your thighs and buttocks! To do this stretch, follow these steps:
  1. Start in a forward lunge position with both knees bent and your arms at your sides. Make sure your feet are far enough apart so when you bend your knees your front knee doesn’t jut forward past your toes.
  2. Inhale and as you exhale, squeeze your buttocks and tilt your pelvis under so your hipbones point upward and your tailbone points downward (see Figure).
  3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then sink your hips down toward the floor to lower your body another inch or two.
  4. Hold this lowered position for another 30 seconds, breathing comfortably and normally.
  5. Release the stretch and bring your feet together.
  6. Repeat the stretch on your other leg.
If you have trouble keeping your balance, move your back leg out to the side an inch or two. This adjustment gives you a wider base of support. Make sure your abdominals are tight and pulled in.
A few do’s and don’ts for this exercise:
  • Do keep your buttocks squeezed and your pelvis tucked under.
  • Do keep your toes pointed forward.
  • Do stabilize your spine by keeping your back straight and your abdominals lifted.
  • Don’t bend your knees more than 90 degrees or let your front knee jut forward. These positions place stress on your knees.

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