Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Standing groin and inner thigh stretch

This stretch is for the muscles that run along your inner thigh and also the muscles in your torso that rotate your spine. This stretch also builds strength in your thighs and creates heat in your body so your muscles are nice and warm for a productive, pain-free workout.
To do this stretch, follow these steps:
  1. Stand with your feet in a wide stance with your toes pointing out.
  2. Bend your knees and slowly lean forward until your elbows can rest just inside your knees (see Figure a).
  3. Gently press your right elbow against the inside of your right knee as you lower your right shoulder and rotate your spine to the left, looking over your left shoulder (see Figure b). Turning your head stretches your neck muscles at the same time other muscles are stretching during this exercise.
  4. Lower your hips another inch and tilt your pelvis back. Lowering your hips deepens the stretch in your groin. Think of reaching your tailbone to the ceiling as you tilt your pelvis back.
  5. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat the stretch on the other side. To make this stretch more dynamic, alternate from side to side several times without holding the stretch.
A few do’s and don’ts for this stretch:
  • Do breathe as you hold the stretch.
  • Do press the knee away with your elbow.
  • Do tilt your pelvis back.
  • Don’t hold your breath.
  • Don’t bounce or force the stretch.

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