Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why and How to Cool Down

A cool-down refers to a group of moves or stretches performed after exercise and before rest. This time is perfect to work on increasing flexibility because the temperature of your muscles and connective tissue is highest, which means that these structures are now at their most flexible.
The type of stretches most appropriate for the cool-down is static stretches. Static stretches help relax your muscles by lengthening them. They can also aid in reducing after-exercise muscle soreness by helping to work lactic acid out of your muscles. In addition, a nice quiet period of gentle movement and rest can be the perfect ending to a great workout. Why cool down? During a strenuous workout, your body goes through a number of stressful processes. Here are a few reasons why a good cool-down is so important:
  • To promote recovery and return the body to its state before exercise.
  • To prevent damage to the muscle fibers, tendons, and ligaments.
  • To prevent the build up of lactic acid and other waste products within your body.
  • To reduce soreness by keeping the blood from “pooling” or staying in the muscle. Instead, the blood gets pushed back to the heart.

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